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March 25th, 2009

Many have inquired about why I chose to do a solo trip.  I would fain say something, not about why I chose this route, but about what I observed.  Most people are frightened, or, in the very least anxious about doing anything by themselves.  Many cannot escape common fears that pervade mankind – the fear of rejection, the fear of being judged, among a myriad of others.  It is never too late to give up our fears and our prejudices.  There is no concept so new or a practice so old that should not be put to the test.  And to test it we should, because it is the only way to better ourselves, to elevate mankind, and to acquiesce to the inner voice that bellows for truth.

Before I left, my mentor mentioned that extended travel with companions is destined for failure if everyone doesn’t share the same vision. I have been reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, and it has spoken volumes to me. Though it has passed its sesquicentennial, the book holds timeless wisdom:

I heard it proposed lately that two young men should travel together over the world, the one without money, earning his means as he went, before the mast and behind the plow, the other carrying a bill of exchange in his pocket. It was easy to see that they could not long be companions or co-operate, since one would not operate at all. They would part at the first interesting crisis in their adventures. Above all, as I have implied, the man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready, and it may be a long time before they get off.

It is hard to find someone whom shares the same musings and insights. It is equally tough to discover another whom shares the same lifestyle and temperament.  When you find the person that satisfies all these, hold on dearly.  Such individuals come by once in a blue moon.

I suspect that marriage can be analogized to companions on a road trip.  When the going gets tough, it often seems easier to leave than it does to solve problems.  Modern day technological advances and conveniences were supposed to indicate a more satisfied and fulfilled life.  Yet in the country that leads others in these respects by a wide margin, roughly half of all marriages end in divorce.  Could one of the main ingredients for a successful marriage be to have a similar vision in life?

Good night, and good luck.

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  1. March 31st, 2009 at 16:41 | #1

    Its my belief that at some time everyone needs to be alone to truely know oneself. People that fly from relationship to relationship never learn who they are (always being alone, like in my case, isnt great either).
    The human paradox is that the more we have, the more we want…depression is a major problem in the US, but not so much in Africa. They dont have time to mope about their situation (no knock on depression, I have it), they are too busy surviving. When you dont have much, you tend to settle for less. The cause may be that when you have more, you feel like you should have done better and be getting more; or you feel that you deserve more.

    Technology and conviences dont really make our world better, they make it easier and let you do more…but now you have to do more to keep up your own standard of living.

    I would suggest reading A Walk in The Woods by Bill Bryson while you are out there…it would be very useful I think.

  2. Grace
    April 3rd, 2009 at 20:45 | #2

    I’m so jealous! Though I’m not really a road trip type person, I’ve always wanted to do what Thoreau did…

  3. Steve Dorsey
    May 30th, 2009 at 18:46 | #3

    I think this is a great way to discover life and what it has to offer and I am thinking this might be a good idea for me too! I have had a lot of struggles in life and have experienced a lot in the past 7 years since I have turned my will and life over to the care of God as “BEST” as I can, after all I am only humane too! (lol)
    I met Andrews dad and I recently just closed another business I tried and he told me about his son and here I am seeing what he (Andrew) is doing. I spent 20 years in construction and 2 of my kids are adults and I have a 7 year old living with her mother and on top of that I am getting ready to be a grandfather at 45….and yet I am still seeking a knew life or just a life. I have rented out my house and closed my business and my other house has been rented for almost 2 years now and so Monday I will be “homeless” But that is not a big deal right now seeing how I am ready for a road trip! I am ready to test myself like this young man has and follow his lead…..Sometimes we must do what we must do! Thanks Andrew for the inspiration..Steve

  4. Jenn
    October 12th, 2012 at 03:44 | #4

    I love how you draw analogies between foreign notions, i.e. marriage and companions. You have an artist’s mind: the ability to draw out the ugliness of humans, or the beauty that needs refinement, and created and invented from raw materials into unbelievable beauty that takes your breathe away, the kind of beauty that the mind can take mental snapshots of to treasure and bring out into the consciousness when needing reminder of inspiration, and beauty that can be appreciated. I know that was a long run-on. It makes me happy to hear that Steve met your father and to know your father was sharing about you. I know if I was your father, I’d be so proud of you. Your authenticity, lack of artifice and superficiality, and genuineness just shines through your speech and thought (translated into wisdoms of life). Salut and Ciao…is what I remember about you. Those are the details, but I also remember the bigger picture of your persona, of how just like Thoreau, “you built a stairway to the castle in the sky.” Like the Egyptians creating a pyramid in the desert, like Steve Jobs studying calligraphy and then using it in his apple creations, like the pioneers (kekekee…remember your Columbus reference) who discovered and traveled lands, you brought the stars closer to our reach. Continue to fight the good fight!

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